

The endocannabinoid system – what is it and how does it work? The effects of cannabis were used as early as 4,000 years ago when the ancient Chinese and Hindus treated a whole spectrum of diseases with this plant. It is surprising, however, that it was not until 1988 that an endocannabinoid system was discovered […]

Investing in a vaporizer. Funds Buying a vaporizer is an investment not only in your own health but also in your funds. The research has proven that the vaporization process allows you to get 50-80% of the cannabinoids contained in a portion of dried herbs, depending on the selected vaporizer model. For comparison, during the

CBD oil – history of use and misconception Cannabis has been known to mankind since the dawn of time and while its health impact is unquestionable, this topic is still full of controversy and wrong associations. CBD is often mistakenly associated with typical marijuana, rich in the psychoactive substance called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). For CBD hemp

Convection vaporizers, conduction vaporizers and hybrid vaporizers – what’s the difference? If you want to replace traditional smoking with vaporization, you have a very important choice before you. Choosing a perfect device that suits your needs. Before you go to specific brands and models, you need to make your first major decision: convection, conduction or

Not only CBD. About other cannabinoids and their specification Cannabinoids are naturally occurring chemicals found in the cannabis plant. They are not as popular yet extremely strong pillar in the treatment of various ailments such as anxiety, myositis, Parkinson’s disease or cancer. At the moment, about 110 cannabinoids are known to us, but research on

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